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FOUNDATION committee

charge | The Foundation Committee will work in a guidance and advisory capacity with preparation of the research, drafting a process, timeline, and proposal for the restructuring of the fire department’s governing body as we prepare to vote on a move from an Executive Committee to a Board of Directors, as was preferenced by the majority (of the membership) in a recent survey.

Members | Eric Epstein (chair) | Caralee Rochovansky | Art Romano | John Russell | Jean Speck

Agendas & minutes | Meeting Agendas & Minutes for all meetings are now available by clicking this link, which will open a new browser window with folders by year.  Click on the year, then choose the committee you would like to view. 

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Kent Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.

28 Maple Street | PO Box 355

Kent, CT 06757

© 2023 THE3CROWS

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