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One of the many great aspects of rural living is the sense of community.  KVFD's very foundation is its over 100 year commitment to this community.  Here are a few ways we want to give back to you, the members of the community.

learn cpr

According to the American Heart Association, of the approximately 300,000 people who suffer Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) in the US, over 69% happen at home. 
While all KVFD EMS responders are trained in CPR, you too can help to save a life with a little training. 
KVFD can train you, your family and friends, or organization in CPR.  Contact the KVFD Ambulance Chief for more information.

use the firehouse for an event

When KVFD moved into their new headquarters on 28 Maple Street, one of the primary missions of the building was to offer use of the firehouse to the public.  We are proud to hold the charter for the local Boy Scout troop, which holds their monthly meetings in our meeting room. Popular fundraising events like the Kent Memorial Library's extremely popular Quiz Night are both held in the apparatus bays of the firehouse.
If you would like to use the firehouse for a meeting, wedding, or other celebration, please download the KVFD Firehouse Use Policy, then complete and submit our Firehouse Use Form below, or contact the KVFD President for more information.
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Kent Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.

28 Maple Street | PO Box 355

Kent, CT 06757

© 2023 THE3CROWS

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